What To Do During A Basement Flood

1. Safety First

If you are able to safely reach your electrical panel, throw the main breaker. If your sump pump is working but not keeping up with the water, turn off each breaker individually but leave your sump pump live. 


2. Locate Leaks

If something went wrong with one of your appliances (i.e. water heater or washing machine) shut them off immediately. If the water is coming from outside your home, try to redirect away from your home. 


3. Start Clean Up

A wet-vac will be your best friend during a basement flood. Start by vacuuming around your furnace, water tank, washer and dryer, and any other appliances to try and salvage them. Mops and towels will be your next best option if you can't get a restoration company out any time soon. Large industrial fans can be incredibly helpful to dry out the space and turning on a dehumidifier will help reduce the chance of mold growth. All hard surfaces including the floor, plastic shelving, floor joists, walls, etc. should be cleaned with bleach immediately.  Keep an eye out for mold growth and call a licensed remediation company if you have concerns.


4. Wash it or Toss it

If it can't be washed either in your home or at laundromat/dry cleaner, get rid of it. Any carpeting, soft furniture, drywall, and insulation needs to be thrown out as soon as possible. You will never get them clean and they will always smell funny.


5. Get Your Basement Waterproofed

Learn from past mistakes! Get your basement waterproofed before the next flood!

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